炭焼きの店うな豊へようこそ 名古屋市瑞穂区豊岡通のうなぎ専門店|ミシュランガイド掲載店 | 配達・デリバリー

cooking and feelings

cooking and feelings


I open the eel which I chose quickly.

I prevent that blood plays the position (meat) by opening quickly.

This is beautiful; to be baked

It is important even if I take it! !!

I bake it from life after accepting all an order in our store.

Because I am busy, I do not do it in an unglazed (state heating a little beforehand) absolute beforehand because there are many orders. As for the unglazing, it is shortened the time, but this is because it is certain that I cut down on taste.

It is that purpose to close “the day of the Ox of the dog days” from predecessors in the family line sequentially.

It is the impossible to avoid this unglazing in “the day of the Ox on the dog days” when demand of several times of Sunday of much midsummer for demand is expected.

This is the first feelings of “UNATOYO”.

 02-03-03 Not to mention charcoal bincho charcoal,
Far infrared rays appears a lot so many charcoal in itself runs hot as for the bincho charcoal, and to burn.The far-infrared good point is that heat goes towards the inside as well as the surface.
 Predecessors in the family line repeats improvement, and the sauce
continues keeping the taste that I arrived at.I add the sauce which I let idle more than three days carefully little by little and add it and use it.
I scoop it to a different container after hours and keep it carefully every day.It is the sauce which is more important than the life of the general.

The gas rice cooker we use doesn’t have a keep-warm function!


It means that if we cook a large amount in advance and keep it warm, it’s obviously impossible to have freshly cooked rice, so we cook small amounts as frequently as possible.

“We want you to always eat freshly cooked rice!”

This is the strong belief of Unatoyo and our staff.

Important supporting role of “UNATOYO”
“The salted rice-bran paste” which rice bran pickles are born as.As well as sauce, I continue protecting it since the establishment of a business carefully.”Vitamin B” and “a lactic acid bacterium” are included in rice bran pickles and are good for a body and the skin.
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